Weekly Shabbat Services
Kabbalat Shabbat Services In-person and on Zoom
two Fridays per month at 6:00 PM
Upcoming: December 13th
Click here to join Friday Night Services on Zoom
On weeks when we are not meeting for Kabbalat Shabbat, check out the following Shabbat gatherings:
- Shabbayit: home hosted dinners in the TBB community (scroll down for more information, upcoming on December 20th)
- Melaveh Malka: gatherings on Saturday evening for signing, havdalah, and musical celebration of the end of Shabbat (upcoming on January 4th)
- Spring Hill Minyan: a monthly pop up Kabbalat Shabbat minyan in Somerville (upcoming on January 3rd, email ritual@templebnaibrith.org for more info)
Shabbat Morning Services
every Saturday 9:30 AM-12 PM
Click here to join Saturday Morning Services on Zoom.
Click here for to sign up to chant Torah or Haftara or to lead services.
Click here for the TBB yahrtzeit list.
Click here for the siddur.
Our regular Shabbat morning service approaches the traditional liturgy with a quiet, meditative feel. The service is led by Rabbi Eliana Jacobowitz, Darshan (religious leader) Emeritus Phil Weiss, and other members of the minyan.
The service begins with the traditional preliminary service (P'sukei D'zimra) at 9:30am, followed at about 10am by the morning service proper (Shacharit), and then the Torah service.
The Torah service includes a chanting of the week's Torah portion and Haftarah according to this Triennial schedule, and concludes with a d'var Torah, a few minutes of teaching by our rabbi, darshan emeritus, or another member of the minyan. A light kiddush and schmooze follows weekly services.
On weeks with Family Shabbat Service a community kiddush lunch follows our three services at noon. All are invited to eat and schmooze together in the social hall.
Shabbayit (monthly)
“Bayit” means house and on Shabbayit weeks (once a month) there is an opportunity to sign up to host or attend a meal at someone’s home. There are no Kabbalat Shabbat services at TBB on Shabbayit weeks. There is an upcoming Shabbayit on January 17th.