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Join or Renew Your Membership at Temple B'nai Brith

Renew Your Membership

If you are currently a member of Temple B'nai Brith, please renew your membership using this form. (If you are returning after a lapse in membership, please use the New Member form below rather than the renewal form.)
We prefer you log in before using this form, but it is not required. Click the gray Login box in the upper right corner to login.

Become a Member

We invite everyone to join our diverse and inclusive Jewish community.  While we welcome visitors, members make up the core of TBB and we hope you will join our diverse congregation, composed of individuals of varied backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities.  We are open to all, regardless of their level of Jewish knowledge or practice.
Members play a critical role in supporting Temple B’nai Brith’s physical and human infrastructure.  Dues defray the costs of building maintenance, salaries and benefits for the rabbi, children’s school director, and administrative staff, and support an array of spiritual, educational, and programmatic activities. Members’ financial support is necessary to sustain the congregation and ensure its continued vibrancy.
Members have a voice in the governance of the congregation, voting to elect board members and at special meetings about policy matters.  Joining with other members of TBB can be an expression of Jewish values and solidarity in Somerville and beyond. 
Members are eligible for reduced fees for additional high holiday tickets (members’ tickets are free), adult education courses, children’s school tuition, and costs related to life cycle events such as building rental fees for celebrations of weddings, brit mitzvah, and baby namings, and member rates for cemetery plots.   
Members receive priority for rabbinical services for life cycle events as well as pastoral counseling. 
Members have use of the TBB library and access to other Jewish resources.
Members benefit from a variety of community supports and connections including access to the directory with members’ contact information. 
Although TBB dues amounts are set at the level needed to sustain the congregation, no one is denied membership for inability to pay.  Members are encouraged to pay as much as they are able with the knowledge that those who can contribute more than the requested amount make it possible for others to participate, regardless of financial means.

To join Temple B'nai Brith as a new member (or return after a lapse in membership) please use this form.

Wed, January 22 2025 22 Tevet 5785